Saturday, March 08, 2014


The generosity of my hosts has extended to sharing their Romanian cold with me. It came on on Thursday, so I've been dosing myself with Theraflu (a bit like lemsip). but by last night I was really tired, after 10 days here and 12 in all without a break.

Today (Saturday) is a rest day, but also Mothers' Day in Romania. in addition, Tuesday is D's birthday, so Mirchir, Maria & family and I have travelled down to Simpetru for a double celebration. Perhaps indicative of my tiredness, I managed to set my phone alarm last night for 08:15 - on Tuesday! So I overslept (the family kindly letting me do so) and got up shortly after 10:00. As we were bringing the meat for the BBQ, lunch is a couple of hours later than first planned.

The meal itself consisted of four different meats (chicken, pork, a minced meat and smokey sausages), all cooked on the BBQ, a potato dish a bit like Potato au gratin, with a garlic sauce quite strong. Strong enough that I learned my lesson last Saturday, and took less of it. I've been told that the only remedy for removing the garlic flavour is to eat an onion! And vice versa...

After the meal D was absolutely surprised by the birthday cake which arrived to the accompaniment of 'many years', the Romanian equivalent of Happy Birthday to You.

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