Monday and Tuesday saw several team members head out to take meetings. Denise, Peter & Jess led some kindergarden classes, while Joan spoke to and met with a number of the ladies in distant churches.
I was conscious that my notes for a conference I was due to address Wednesday and Friday needed to be re-arranged before they could be translated into Romanian and prepared for printing. I made considerable progress during the day on Monday and Tuesday, and was supported in a supreme effort by Dina, Mircea & Maria's daughter, who worked quite late doing the translation work for me.
Monday evening we returned to Simpetru for another teaching opportunity that was arranged with the congregation at short notice on Sunday evening. About 25 people came, and I continued my series teaching through the early part of the Pentateuch.
On Tuesday evening it was down to Tomasu, another village south of Zalau, where we kicked off a special week of mission, and I had the main speaking slot.
Normally after each evening meeting we are then invited to the home of one of the church members for dinner (our third cooked meal of the day) and enjoy warm hospitality. there is always an abundance of meat, usually pork, occasionally chicken.

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