Would you replumb your entire church heating system just to create more space for a special event? And then return it to the original a few days later?

Like many churches, the Baptist Church at Sinpatru Simpetru is heated by a single wood burning stove in the main auditorium, which comfortably will hold 35. Last Sunday they had there first baptism service in a very long time, and invited many of the village. Expecting a larger than usual number, the space occupied by the heater was precious, so they moved it by hand to the room next door (the warmth permeated the wall), re-routing the flue. So I discovered that the space in which I sat on Wednesday afternoon was today re-occupied by the stove, the temporary hole created for the flue on the other side of the wall had been filled in, and the heater was back to its rightful place.
Here's a picture of Florin, who did the work, with his close friend, back in its place of honour. Tonight, the door had to be opened at regular intervals as the dangers of
hyperthermia reducing the size of the congregation became all too real.
Last Sunday over 100 people crowded into this small church to witness the baptism.
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